Claim your free 20min “Improve your dog’s quality of life” Canine Bowen Technique (CBT)” Consultation

Canine Bowen Technique (CBT): Introduction Package
- Would love to explore the potential of Canine Bowen Technique for your dog
- Searching for a gentle hands-on way to improve your dog’s quality of life
- Concerned your dog is tired, in pain and uncomfortable
- Anxious your dog is wobbly on their feet and unable to do the things they used to do
- Aware your dog is anxious and unable to relax

Canine Bowen Technique (CBT): Well-being Package
- Already discovered the potential of Canine Bowen Technique for your dog
- Would like to continue to support your dog’s quality of life
- You want your dog to continue to benefit from the positive changes you’ve observed from previous Sessions
- Your dog is elderly or dealing with a long-term condition
- You fully appreciate the importance of regular maintenance for long term health and well-being
- You understand Carole has limited availability and you need to create consistency of sessions for a long-term holistic plan for you both

Human and Canine Bowen Technique (CBT): Our Well-being Package
- Already discovered the potential of Canine Bowen Technique for your dog
- You want your dog to continue to benefit from the positive changes you’ve observed from previous Sessions
- Your dog is elderly or dealing with a long-term condition
- You have regular Bowen yourself and fully appreciate the importance of regular maintenance for long term health and well-being
- You understand Carole has limited availability and you need to create consistency of sessions for a long-term holistic plan for you both
I first looked into Bowen as an option for my gorgeous senior boy last year. As with most ageing doggies he was starting to suffer with arthritis and stiffness and he was quite anxious. I didn’t want to go down the route of tablets at this point and luckily found Carole.
He and Carole have a remarkable understanding of one another so I’m confident that he is getting as much Bowen as he needs each session. The Bowen has in my opinion helped him stay mobile and have more energy which as an owner is lovely to see. There are improvements in his general mood and he is more confident and relaxed. Obviously at age 13 he isn’t up to walking miles any more but he is now able to enjoy his walks again and this is a great joy as he loves getting out and about sniffing all the exciting smells and being a Labrador, he enjoys scavenging all sorts of disgusting things!
He definitely enjoys seeing Carole and because of the way they communicate throughout the session I am put at ease I can see him responding to Carole and she never applies Bowen if he shows any sign of not wanting it. I’m so glad I decided to seek this therapy for my boy and I think he is too.
Since having a few Canine Bowen Technique sessions Harry has been eating better, he is less stressed, his hair has grown back and his leg is not giving in. Basically he is more active, has a more balanced way of being and is moving much freer, running about like he used to.
I am not into all this “Hippie Stuff!” but Carole’s Bowen has proven to be the best therapy I’ve had. She has completely fixed my hips and knees, if she can fix me she can fix anybody (and your dog).
Claim your free 20min “Improve your dog’s quality of life or evolve your own life, with Canine Bowen Technique (CBT)” Consultation
To claim your free consultation simply click on the button below and enter your details.